Story Of My Life
28 August 2010
Nahhh, don't even think of trying again.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Story Of My Life
13 August 2010
So 18 hours ago,
The CF decided to have an unofficial gathering to
see the Perseid Meteor Shower.
It all started when I posted a status about the meteor shower
and then Clarence and Caryn then start spamming a discussion.
Then we all agreed to meet up the FOE building before heading
down to MMU's running track.
At the running track, the security guards chased us off. Meh.
So off we go to Cyberpark. Just outside of MMU.
By the time we are at Cyberpark, it's already 1 am already,
which means we missed 20 stars already. Sads~
(According to the news - Average of 10-20 stars per hour) LOL
We went to the area near the lake.
And yeah, at 1 am, I took this shot.
Looks can be deceiving no? LOL
It was almost pitch black there and I got this XD
Taken at 8 seconds exposure at 1000 ISO just so you know.
Then we head on down to some open area.
Clarence lied down and start looking at the skies..
Soon enough he saw one =O
Then I followed him and lied down on the ground too.
Waiting and waiting and waiting...none. :(
I do see alot of airplanes though XD
Soon Alvin saw 1, Chammaine saw one too.
Got up and walked around.
And just as I was staring at one of the brighter stars in the sky..
*Fine white line zuuuupppppppppp pass and fades away in a split second* =O
Went back to the hostel at 3 am and woke up at 8.30 am XD
So that was how my first meteor sighting was like :D
Who needs airplanes in the night sky when there are shooting stars :D
Random moment:
Alvin - Ul-ta-ra-man! XD
13 August 2010
So 18 hours ago,
The CF decided to have an unofficial gathering to
see the Perseid Meteor Shower.
It all started when I posted a status about the meteor shower
and then Clarence and Caryn then start spamming a discussion.
Then we all agreed to meet up the FOE building before heading
down to MMU's running track.
At the running track, the security guards chased us off. Meh.
So off we go to Cyberpark. Just outside of MMU.
By the time we are at Cyberpark, it's already 1 am already,
which means we missed 20 stars already. Sads~
(According to the news - Average of 10-20 stars per hour) LOL
We went to the area near the lake.
And yeah, at 1 am, I took this shot.
Looks can be deceiving no? LOL
It was almost pitch black there and I got this XD
Taken at 8 seconds exposure at 1000 ISO just so you know.
Then we head on down to some open area.
Clarence lied down and start looking at the skies..
Soon enough he saw one =O
Then I followed him and lied down on the ground too.
Waiting and waiting and waiting...none. :(
I do see alot of airplanes though XD
Soon Alvin saw 1, Chammaine saw one too.
Got up and walked around.
And just as I was staring at one of the brighter stars in the sky..
*Fine white line zuuuupppppppppp pass and fades away in a split second* =O
Went back to the hostel at 3 am and woke up at 8.30 am XD
So that was how my first meteor sighting was like :D
Who needs airplanes in the night sky when there are shooting stars :D
Random moment:
Alvin - Ul-ta-ra-man! XD
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Making A Comeback?
Story Of My Life
11th August 2010
Well, I don't expect anymore
readers to drop by and read my dead blog.
I just felt like writing a post. Yeah it's almost midnight
and I have class at 8 tomorrow. *faints*
So whats up with me now?
It's 2 months plus already in Cyberjaya.
Life is as usual, ups and downs, some tough times.
Especially when it comes to handling college stuff like paying fees, loans, etc.
Ran into lots of problem trying to get my fees paid
but thank the LORD that He provided a way out for me. =)
The Finance Division guy was kind enough to give me an exception for that time.
And the current issue that hit me hard right in the face is that
my PTPTN loan wasn't approved cause of some internal issues.
The uni didn't "renew" the degree course with PTPTN.
Hopefully its all gonna be solved soon. *sigh*
I do miss those times when my parents would get everything settled for me.
Now, I'm all by myself in some ulu area, 300 km away
from home and I gotta get everything done on my own.
I admit; I seriously hate dealing with all these, but I gotta say, I learned a lot.
Part of life. Dududududu~
On the brighter side of things...
I gained a lot of new experiences and
did many things I never thought of doing.
One of the best experience was
teaching the unfortunate kids from Rumah Kanak-Kanak Trinity.
It's sort of a voluntary work done by MMU's CF. I decided to give it a go.
Yeah I gotta say, it drains every single drop of juice in my brain every time
I went there and teach the kids, but at the end of the day...
it always reminds me how lucky am I to have a perfect family.
And I also met a whole new family over here.
The folks of Kajang Gospel Center and Bandar Tek Gospel Center. =D
Felt so much at home despite I am not at "home" LOL
Really thank the LORD for this :)
Not forgetting too, the family of MMU's CF.
Am glad to be able to have fellowship in campus itself.
It's a big boost in encouragement. :)
Well on the house chores side of things, I got used to washing my own clothes.
Well, hand wash clothes isn't exactly 100% clean but I'll live with it. XD
I can live without laundry services. PWNED =P
I don't know what else to write.
Some other time lah. LOL
11th August 2010
Well, I don't expect anymore
readers to drop by and read my dead blog.
I just felt like writing a post. Yeah it's almost midnight
and I have class at 8 tomorrow. *faints*
So whats up with me now?
It's 2 months plus already in Cyberjaya.
Life is as usual, ups and downs, some tough times.
Especially when it comes to handling college stuff like paying fees, loans, etc.
Ran into lots of problem trying to get my fees paid
but thank the LORD that He provided a way out for me. =)
The Finance Division guy was kind enough to give me an exception for that time.
And the current issue that hit me hard right in the face is that
my PTPTN loan wasn't approved cause of some internal issues.
The uni didn't "renew" the degree course with PTPTN.
Hopefully its all gonna be solved soon. *sigh*
I do miss those times when my parents would get everything settled for me.
Now, I'm all by myself in some ulu area, 300 km away
from home and I gotta get everything done on my own.
I admit; I seriously hate dealing with all these, but I gotta say, I learned a lot.
Part of life. Dududududu~
On the brighter side of things...
I gained a lot of new experiences and
did many things I never thought of doing.
One of the best experience was
teaching the unfortunate kids from Rumah Kanak-Kanak Trinity.
It's sort of a voluntary work done by MMU's CF. I decided to give it a go.
Yeah I gotta say, it drains every single drop of juice in my brain every time
I went there and teach the kids, but at the end of the day...
it always reminds me how lucky am I to have a perfect family.
And I also met a whole new family over here.
The folks of Kajang Gospel Center and Bandar Tek Gospel Center. =D
Felt so much at home despite I am not at "home" LOL
Really thank the LORD for this :)
Not forgetting too, the family of MMU's CF.
Am glad to be able to have fellowship in campus itself.
It's a big boost in encouragement. :)
Well on the house chores side of things, I got used to washing my own clothes.
Well, hand wash clothes isn't exactly 100% clean but I'll live with it. XD
I can live without laundry services. PWNED =P
I don't know what else to write.
Some other time lah. LOL
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Blog Update
Story Of My Life
1st July 2010
Kinda got tired with all the blogging,
I cannot promise another post after this. Short post maybe?
but don't expect any long draggy full of story post.
Once in a while maybe?
I'll try to give an update this afternoon after my
duty at the MMUCF booth today. (Last day of club registrastion)
Came across this drawing of mine yesterday.
The lines are from Mona Lisa by The All American Rejects.
That was how the idea for this piece of quickie artwork came about.
["Inaccurate "]
1st July 2010
Number of post for June - zer0
Kinda got tired with all the blogging,
I cannot promise another post after this. Short post maybe?
but don't expect any long draggy full of story post.
Once in a while maybe?
I'll try to give an update this afternoon after my
duty at the MMUCF booth today. (Last day of club registrastion)
Came across this drawing of mine yesterday.
The lines are from Mona Lisa by The All American Rejects.
That was how the idea for this piece of quickie artwork came about.
["Inaccurate "]
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Brothers and Sisters
Story Of My Life
23 May 2010
So my last Lord's Supper and Youth Hour and YP Meeting
before I leave for KL was last weekend.
Sorry I "EPIC FAIL" during my "famous last words" session.
So now I'm gonna write a proper one here.
Here I go, the long long thank you list.
8.30 am, 8.40 am, 8.15 am, 8.00 am, 7.45 am
Those were the different times I would wait at the Shell gas station
every Sunday morning and wait for kor kor Alan's classy blue Vios to come pick me up.
Enter the car and there will be good morning wishes and of course the best part
is hearing lil' Josiah say "Morning koko Stephen." :)
I still remember Alan would get me a huge pau for breakfast
when he first started picking me up to attend church on a Sunday morning.
Later on, if it's still early, we would go for breakfast at a nearby coffee shop.
The Char Mee Sua, Koay Teow Th'ng, Half boiled eggs and of course
not forgetting Alan's favorite, the "Haram" bread. XD
Alan has been a really good big brother in Christ to me.
Watching over me and also helped pulled me back up when I tend to fall.
And even as I'm leaving for KL, he helped in finding a church where I can go to.
All I can say is thank you so much Alan kor kor.
Thanks again for everything.
A big brother in Christ I always look up to.
He might not speak the best England (LOL),
but I admire his knowledge when it comes to the Bible.
He taught me a lot of things. From Bible class even to when
we're just talking on MSN. Especially that "Great is Thy faithfulness" discussion.
I learned a lot from that. :)
Not to forget to the fellowship we share over meals, hangouts and games.
Watching a movie with Bing Hwang was indeed a "great" experience =P
And of course the nonsensical relationship advices...AHAHAHA. Classic.
Oh and that "Two is better than one"....ISH! LOL
After all the teasing I get from him EVERYDAY....I wonder why he is still my friend. XD
At the end of the day, Jeff is still a very good big kor kor in Christ and friend to me.
We hanged out a lot. Well sometimes being his pack mule. =P
From movies, to makan, to cyber cafe, to grocery shopping. LOL
Learned a lot from Jeff when it comes to grocery shopping.
He knows his stuff and he taught me a thing or two when it comes to shopping for ingredients.
Baby carrots... XD
Learned from him some stuff about cooking too.
Sausages, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, capsicums, carrots, beef, chicken and etc.
Can't wait till I move out of the hostel, then I can start cooking my meals. =D
Thanks Jeff for being the driver and for the things you thought me. =P
So gonna miss hanging out with you. :(
I'mma drive you around next time. :)
A good friend, a good big brother in Christ and.....
My personal computer technician. LOL =P
Computer ada problem, internet cacat, some error yang tak understand...
*nudges Justin on MSN and allow remote assistant* XD
Guess it gonna happen a whole lot more when I'm in KL. XD
He helped me out too with the parts for my new rig. Hehe.
My sifu when it comes to chairing for the Youth Hour.
"First song...Hari Ini. Then sing the rest of the songs you've chosen.
But then if you see got extra time and you're running out of songs...
Use your super...."CHOICE!"." XD
And we never get enough teasing each other. =P
All the aik aik, PPC, CM and the latest...TWISTEEER~
Thank yous Justin 'Panjang' Tan. :)
Both KH and ML had been a very dear
big brother and sister in Christ and friend to me.
Although I get teased by them a lot... XD
The MIL, The FIL and KH's favorite line....Ohh Action~ LOL
Spend a lot of good times together with them.
Over dinner, chit chat-ing at J.Co and
laughing hysterically while playing Wii when I'm over at their place.
Oh good times. Good times.
A dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
Its fun having her around...especially when it comes to games and sports.
The Settler of Catan sessions, Captain Ball after YP
and the one time she came for Friday Night Skittle Ball.
Just want to say thanks for the fellowship
we share in church, in the field and in the gaming world. Hehe =P
I still owe you a ride. =P
Sorry for the times I kacau you during Captain Ball.
*YOU CAN'T SEE ME!* *Does the John Cena move* AHAHAHA =P
Thanks for the hangouts at Queens. and also....
for being a good friend and sister in Christ to me. =)
The crazy, and the funny, the aggressive
the Chelsea FC fan and the sometimes emo.
A great friend and sister in Christ to me.
All the trading *pokes* *punches* *kicks*
and teaching me a little bit about the piano before Youth Hour starts..
Just want to say thanks for being such a good friend to me. =)
Well, she is back in KL already but when she was still around here in Penang,
we shared a lot of good times and laughter together.
The Kerang slaying at Hammer Bay, L4D2 sessions at Infinity,
Oh there is just so much to list. LOL
Thank you Sully!
For being a very dear big jie jie in Christ and friend to me.
I'll come visit you sometime if I have the chance. =D
The fellowship I had shared with these 3 brothers in Christ
for this period of a year was definitely a good one.
May it be in church during classes or during field games or even in the cyber world.
We talked, we laugh, we kick each others butt in Call of Duty.
PC Games was one of the things that we had in common.
Especially with Kenneth and Benjamin. =D
All the 1 vs 1 challenges that Ben will issue to me on Steam chat
Like a sister to me,
We talk, we laugh, we PWN each other and *pats* each other.
One of the closest sister in Christ to me. =)
Thanks Zara for being a listening ear when I need one :)
And of course you can still
nudge me on MSN to ask me about Physics =D
May Lyn
She is a dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
Someone talented, I would give up my legs to play guitar like her XD
(Check out her Youtube channel here)
Well, just want to say thanks for the fellowship we had
and of course for the cover of Sum 41's With Me that you did. =)
I know Sum 41 is applauding somewhere. =D
And also good luck with your studies in Aussie aight :)
Rock On! _\m/
Someone really fun and cool to talk to.
The first time I see her "WAIIIII" (Why)on MSN, I laughed so hard. XD
I admire her photography and a small confession to make,
I often steal ideas from the photos she took LOL =P
Thanks Ai Lyn for being a good friend to me. :)
And no, Cendol is not Indian food. XD
Natalie, my care group leader this year.
A dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
Someone cheerful and would brighten up anyone's day.
Thanks Nat, for the fellowship and the fun and laughter. =)
"Hello~ Let's start of with a word of prayer. *Looks around* Stephen!"
"Again!?" LOL =D
If it isn't for her, whatever I wrote above...none of it will ever happen.
Ho chai bat tiok ee. XD (Luckily I met her)
Kavita I mean Tabitha... =P
You've been a very dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
I just want to say thanks for everything.
(There is just too much to list and I'm lazy) =P
I'm so gonna miss you people =C
["I Don't Want This Moment...To Ever End"]
23 May 2010
So my last Lord's Supper and Youth Hour and YP Meeting
before I leave for KL was last weekend.
Sorry I "EPIC FAIL" during my "famous last words" session.
So now I'm gonna write a proper one here.
Here I go, the long long thank you list.
8.30 am, 8.40 am, 8.15 am, 8.00 am, 7.45 am
Those were the different times I would wait at the Shell gas station
every Sunday morning and wait for kor kor Alan's classy blue Vios to come pick me up.
Enter the car and there will be good morning wishes and of course the best part
is hearing lil' Josiah say "Morning koko Stephen." :)
I still remember Alan would get me a huge pau for breakfast
when he first started picking me up to attend church on a Sunday morning.
Later on, if it's still early, we would go for breakfast at a nearby coffee shop.
The Char Mee Sua, Koay Teow Th'ng, Half boiled eggs and of course
not forgetting Alan's favorite, the "Haram" bread. XD
Alan has been a really good big brother in Christ to me.
Watching over me and also helped pulled me back up when I tend to fall.
And even as I'm leaving for KL, he helped in finding a church where I can go to.
All I can say is thank you so much Alan kor kor.
Thanks again for everything.
A big brother in Christ I always look up to.
He might not speak the best England (LOL),
but I admire his knowledge when it comes to the Bible.
He taught me a lot of things. From Bible class even to when
we're just talking on MSN. Especially that "Great is Thy faithfulness" discussion.
I learned a lot from that. :)
Not to forget to the fellowship we share over meals, hangouts and games.
Watching a movie with Bing Hwang was indeed a "great" experience =P
And of course the nonsensical relationship advices...AHAHAHA. Classic.
Oh and that "Two is better than one"....ISH! LOL
After all the teasing I get from him EVERYDAY....I wonder why he is still my friend. XD
At the end of the day, Jeff is still a very good big kor kor in Christ and friend to me.
We hanged out a lot. Well sometimes being his pack mule. =P
From movies, to makan, to cyber cafe, to grocery shopping. LOL
Learned a lot from Jeff when it comes to grocery shopping.
He knows his stuff and he taught me a thing or two when it comes to shopping for ingredients.
Baby carrots... XD
Learned from him some stuff about cooking too.
Sausages, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, capsicums, carrots, beef, chicken and etc.
Can't wait till I move out of the hostel, then I can start cooking my meals. =D
Thanks Jeff for being the driver and for the things you thought me. =P
So gonna miss hanging out with you. :(
I'mma drive you around next time. :)
A good friend, a good big brother in Christ and.....
My personal computer technician. LOL =P
Computer ada problem, internet cacat, some error yang tak understand...
*nudges Justin on MSN and allow remote assistant* XD
Guess it gonna happen a whole lot more when I'm in KL. XD
He helped me out too with the parts for my new rig. Hehe.
My sifu when it comes to chairing for the Youth Hour.
"First song...Hari Ini. Then sing the rest of the songs you've chosen.
But then if you see got extra time and you're running out of songs...
Use your super...."CHOICE!"." XD
And we never get enough teasing each other. =P
All the aik aik, PPC, CM and the latest...TWISTEEER~
Thank yous Justin 'Panjang' Tan. :)
Both KH and ML had been a very dear
big brother and sister in Christ and friend to me.
Although I get teased by them a lot... XD
The MIL, The FIL and KH's favorite line....Ohh Action~ LOL
Spend a lot of good times together with them.
Over dinner, chit chat-ing at J.Co and
laughing hysterically while playing Wii when I'm over at their place.
Oh good times. Good times.
A dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
Its fun having her around...especially when it comes to games and sports.
The Settler of Catan sessions, Captain Ball after YP
and the one time she came for Friday Night Skittle Ball.
Just want to say thanks for the fellowship
we share in church, in the field and in the gaming world. Hehe =P
I still owe you a ride. =P
Sorry for the times I kacau you during Captain Ball.
*YOU CAN'T SEE ME!* *Does the John Cena move* AHAHAHA =P
Thanks for the hangouts at Queens. and also....
for being a good friend and sister in Christ to me. =)
The crazy, and the funny, the aggressive
the Chelsea FC fan and the sometimes emo.
A great friend and sister in Christ to me.
All the trading *pokes* *punches* *kicks*
and teaching me a little bit about the piano before Youth Hour starts..
Just want to say thanks for being such a good friend to me. =)
Well, she is back in KL already but when she was still around here in Penang,
we shared a lot of good times and laughter together.
The Kerang slaying at Hammer Bay, L4D2 sessions at Infinity,
Oh there is just so much to list. LOL
Thank you Sully!
For being a very dear big jie jie in Christ and friend to me.
I'll come visit you sometime if I have the chance. =D
The fellowship I had shared with these 3 brothers in Christ
for this period of a year was definitely a good one.
May it be in church during classes or during field games or even in the cyber world.
We talked, we laugh, we kick each others butt in Call of Duty.
PC Games was one of the things that we had in common.
Especially with Kenneth and Benjamin. =D
All the 1 vs 1 challenges that Ben will issue to me on Steam chat
Like a sister to me,
We talk, we laugh, we PWN each other and *pats* each other.
One of the closest sister in Christ to me. =)
Thanks Zara for being a listening ear when I need one :)
And of course you can still
nudge me on MSN to ask me about Physics =D
May Lyn
She is a dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
Someone talented, I would give up my legs to play guitar like her XD
(Check out her Youtube channel here)
Well, just want to say thanks for the fellowship we had
and of course for the cover of Sum 41's With Me that you did. =)
I know Sum 41 is applauding somewhere. =D
And also good luck with your studies in Aussie aight :)
Rock On! _\m/
Someone really fun and cool to talk to.
The first time I see her "WAIIIII" (Why)on MSN, I laughed so hard. XD
I admire her photography and a small confession to make,
I often steal ideas from the photos she took LOL =P
Thanks Ai Lyn for being a good friend to me. :)
And no, Cendol is not Indian food. XD
Natalie, my care group leader this year.
A dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
Someone cheerful and would brighten up anyone's day.
Thanks Nat, for the fellowship and the fun and laughter. =)
"Hello~ Let's start of with a word of prayer. *Looks around* Stephen!"
"Again!?" LOL =D
If it isn't for her, whatever I wrote above...none of it will ever happen.
Ho chai bat tiok ee. XD (Luckily I met her)
You've been a very dear sister in Christ and friend to me.
I just want to say thanks for everything.
(There is just too much to list and I'm lazy) =P
I'm so gonna miss you people =C
["I Don't Want This Moment...To Ever End"]
Friday, May 21, 2010
Story Of My Life
21 May 2010
I started using deviantART after Hsien persuaded me to.
I actually had an account but was left untouched till yesterday.
Currently I'm uploading all the ones I had uploaded in Facebook.
Do go view, comment and make it a favorite =P
Been running CoD MW2's The Pit over and over again.
Every second counts....even 0:00.05 seconds.
Tiap tiap hari pecah record...I need a life. -.-"
Blessed Happy Birthday to Kah Heng (20th) and Bing Hwang (21st)!
These 2 big kor kors had been very good to me. =)
6 months of loathing ends next Saturday. Seet!
Going off to MMU Cyberjaya, KL to kickstart college life.
Last YP Meeting, Lord's Supper and Youth Hour with the SAGH and SNGH-ians this weekend.
Aiyo =C Why do I have to leave lah. Sads.
Currently learning Lazlo Bane's Superman on guitar.
FYI its the theme song from Scrubs. I miss that show.
I'm browsing YouTube soooo much now LOL
Never bothered to even go YouTube last time.
For my case....videos started to buffer thats why...
It never even moved a dot last time. XD
Flying jolly green giant!
Stealth Bomber.
Red carpet!
Chopper Gunner.
Raining helicopters!
Tactical Nuke.
Good game!
21 May 2010
I started using deviantART after Hsien persuaded me to.
I actually had an account but was left untouched till yesterday.
Currently I'm uploading all the ones I had uploaded in Facebook.
Do go view, comment and make it a favorite =P
Been running CoD MW2's The Pit over and over again.
Every second counts....even 0:00.05 seconds.
Tiap tiap hari pecah record...I need a life. -.-"
Blessed Happy Birthday to Kah Heng (20th) and Bing Hwang (21st)!
These 2 big kor kors had been very good to me. =)
6 months of loathing ends next Saturday. Seet!
Going off to MMU Cyberjaya, KL to kickstart college life.
Last YP Meeting, Lord's Supper and Youth Hour with the SAGH and SNGH-ians this weekend.
Aiyo =C Why do I have to leave lah. Sads.
Currently learning Lazlo Bane's Superman on guitar.
FYI its the theme song from Scrubs. I miss that show.
I'm browsing YouTube soooo much now LOL
Never bothered to even go YouTube last time.
For my case....videos started to buffer thats why...
It never even moved a dot last time. XD
Flying jolly green giant!
Stealth Bomber.
Red carpet!
Chopper Gunner.
Raining helicopters!
Tactical Nuke.
Good game!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Story Of My Life
11 May 2010
Friday - 7th May
Woke up at 7 am.
Waited for Jeff at 7.30 am.
Picked Suleen up at 7.45 am.
And off we head on to town for an awesome breakfast.
Back home after that.
*stabs* Requiescat de Pace.
Saturday - 8th May
Had a small reunion with the dudes from school.
Movie and lunch with Meng, Nav, JJ, Jerome and Jeong Mark.
Watched Ironman 2 (meh...) and dined at Nandos.
Had a nice long chat with all of em. =D
Later in the evening, played Captain Ball.
Taklah steam sangat, just fool around but still fun.
"Aik Aik Aik" XD Aneh bo ee su wan. LOL
Monday - 10th May
Steam was doing some sort of promo for MW2's stimulus map pack.
On that weekend, MW2 was free to play and exp gained was doubled.
Took advantage of the bonus, level 63 to level 70 in a day. =D
Completed most of the things I wanted to do before I leave already.
18 days left. Sads =/
11 May 2010
Friday - 7th May
Woke up at 7 am.
Waited for Jeff at 7.30 am.
Picked Suleen up at 7.45 am.
And off we head on to town for an awesome breakfast.
Back home after that.
*stabs* Requiescat de Pace.
Saturday - 8th May
Had a small reunion with the dudes from school.
Movie and lunch with Meng, Nav, JJ, Jerome and Jeong Mark.
Watched Ironman 2 (meh...) and dined at Nandos.
Had a nice long chat with all of em. =D
Meet up with the dudes before I leave [✓]
Later in the evening, played Captain Ball.
Taklah steam sangat, just fool around but still fun.
"Aik Aik Aik" XD Aneh bo ee su wan. LOL
I want a game of Captain Ball lahhhh [✓]
Monday - 10th May
Steam was doing some sort of promo for MW2's stimulus map pack.
On that weekend, MW2 was free to play and exp gained was doubled.
Took advantage of the bonus, level 63 to level 70 in a day. =D
Completed most of the things I wanted to do before I leave already.
18 days left. Sads =/
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Before I Leave
Story Of My Life
4 May 2010
25 days left. Oh noes :(
My 6 months of holidays is about to come to an end.
Time to really appreciate the days I have left.
Leaving for KL this 29th May.
College orientation week starts on the 30th
and class starts on the 8th of June.
I still have to meet up with my dudes before I leave.
Gonna meet up with Meng, Azeim, Jeong Mark and Jerome this Sat.
Still gotta meet up with Nav and Josh. Hope there's a chance for that. =/
And also before I leave....
I want a game of Captain Ball lahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Been like so long already since I last played it. =.="
Friday nights Skittle Ball too! At least one last game before I leave.
Not forgetting that too *Points above*
Eggs on toast. The best breakfast! PWN!
Jefffff... *winks, puppy eyes* XD
Gotta enjoy my D90 while the moment last.
I can't bring it to KL with me. *sobs*
I think I'll go to Taman Sri Nibong again
in on the mornings this week...maybe next (if I procrastinate LOL)
My rig's a 50-50 still.
Not sure whether I'm dragging it along to KL.
Gotta see how things go first. Nevertheless, enjoy dulu.
Things to complete
Hopefully there's enough "legs" =/
Guess thats about it the things I want to do before I leave.
Maybe left out some here...blurring now @.@
Working on some random art stuffs now.
Who knows you might get something from me before I leave?
We'll see =)
4 May 2010
25 days left. Oh noes :(
My 6 months of holidays is about to come to an end.
Time to really appreciate the days I have left.
Leaving for KL this 29th May.
College orientation week starts on the 30th
and class starts on the 8th of June.
I still have to meet up with my dudes before I leave.
Gonna meet up with Meng, Azeim, Jeong Mark and Jerome this Sat.
Still gotta meet up with Nav and Josh. Hope there's a chance for that. =/
And also before I leave....
I want a game of Captain Ball lahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Been like so long already since I last played it. =.="
Friday nights Skittle Ball too! At least one last game before I leave.
Not forgetting that too *Points above*
Eggs on toast. The best breakfast! PWN!
Jefffff... *winks, puppy eyes* XD
Gotta enjoy my D90 while the moment last.
I can't bring it to KL with me. *sobs*
I think I'll go to Taman Sri Nibong again
in on the mornings this week...maybe next (if I procrastinate LOL)
My rig's a 50-50 still.
Not sure whether I'm dragging it along to KL.
Gotta see how things go first. Nevertheless, enjoy dulu.
Things to complete
- Finish Assassin's Creed 2
- Reach Level 70 in Prestige One (CoD MW2)
- Finish Prototype (Well still downloading - 3.5% of 7 GB)
- Play SUPER Street Fighter 4 (Lazy walk go BJ to get it -.-)
Hopefully there's enough "legs" =/
Guess thats about it the things I want to do before I leave.
Maybe left out some here...blurring now @.@
Working on some random art stuffs now.
Who knows you might get something from me before I leave?
We'll see =)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Story Of Mt Life
3 May 2010
Heh! Finally 'extracted' my fav scene of the music video.
Well, part of it but still pretty happy with the final result.
Making .GIF images isnt that easy after all. =/
3 May 2010
"All the streets where I walk alone
with nowhere to go, I come to an end"
with nowhere to go, I come to an end"
Heh! Finally 'extracted' my fav scene of the music video.
Well, part of it but still pretty happy with the final result.
Making .GIF images isnt that easy after all. =/
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
In Front Of Your Eyes
Story Of My Life
24 April 2010
I came back home after a tiring game of skittle ball.
Checked my PC and I saw a new message from May Lyn.
She asked me to check out her Youtube channel.
She said she uploaded a new video.
Went to her Youtube channel and I saw this.
She did a cover of Sum 41's With Me.
My favorite song! Awwhhh =)
Back in Form 2 when I first heard it. Till now....yeah XD
An awesome version of the song don't you think?
I really like her version of the song. REALLY REALLY! =D
Still listening to it as I blog here HAHA
It made my day =)
Thank you so much May Lyn!
I really appreciate it =)
["Just see you smile"]
24 April 2010
I came back home after a tiring game of skittle ball.
Checked my PC and I saw a new message from May Lyn.
She asked me to check out her Youtube channel.
She said she uploaded a new video.
Went to her Youtube channel and I saw this.
She did a cover of Sum 41's With Me.
My favorite song! Awwhhh =)
Back in Form 2 when I first heard it. Till now....yeah XD
An awesome version of the song don't you think?
I really like her version of the song. REALLY REALLY! =D
Still listening to it as I blog here HAHA
It made my day =)
Thank you so much May Lyn!
I really appreciate it =)
["Just see you smile"]
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Roller Coaster
Story Of My Life
21 April 2010
Hi peeps.
Well, if there's still anyone reading my blog.
Sorry haven't updated for a very long time.
My bad...was busy. (Righhhht) =|
The month of April so far was one heck of a roller coaster ride.
Many things happened...
Took the step of obedience. All glory to God =)

7 Trojan horses and another heartbreak.
I can say, I can't live without a computer. =|
And using my old PC was torture. =|
Laptop came back 2 days later.
Reformatted....means its empty...
and I gotta reinstall everything back again. *faints*
Soo...PC Fair was held from 9th to 11th of April this year.
And....I got myself a brand new rig! :D

Meet my "wife" AHAHA

i7 :D



Those NERF boxes caught your attention? HAHA

Hehe, HD5850...comes with MW2 XD

My 2nd ori copy of MW2 :D

Nyahahahha =P


Skipped breakfast to setup everything. Cable mess. Ugh!

Well the joy was till the next morning when the graphics card died on me.
Got a Nvidia GT220 as a sub in the mean time, not a bad compromise.
Two days later, got a new card, fixed it in and everything was perfect.
Finally I got good frame rates to snipe in MW2. PWNed!
The musical was held for 3 nights at USM's Dewan Budaya.
I went for the Sunday night show.
Awesome play I'm telling you! Thumbs up!
Here are some shots I took. More at my Facebook profile.
Thats about it I guess.
Currently working on some artwork.
A new concept I got from listening to this one song
Will be up...soon...I hope. HAHA
["Semper Fi"]
21 April 2010
Hi peeps.
Well, if there's still anyone reading my blog.
Sorry haven't updated for a very long time.
My bad...was busy. (Righhhht) =|
The month of April so far was one heck of a roller coaster ride.
Many things happened...
- Baptism =D
- "Crumbs" *sigh*
- Laptop kaput *double sigh*
- My new rig!
So my baptism was on the 4th of April 2010.Took the step of obedience. All glory to God =)
[Laptop kaput]
7 Trojan horses and another heartbreak.
I can say, I can't live without a computer. =|
And using my old PC was torture. =|
Laptop came back 2 days later.
Reformatted....means its empty...
and I gotta reinstall everything back again. *faints*
[My new Rig!]
Soo...PC Fair was held from 9th to 11th of April this year.
And....I got myself a brand new rig! :D

Meet my "wife" AHAHA

i7 :D



Those NERF boxes caught your attention? HAHA

Hehe, HD5850...comes with MW2 XD
My 2nd ori copy of MW2 :D
Nyahahahha =P


Skipped breakfast to setup everything. Cable mess. Ugh!

Well the joy was till the next morning when the graphics card died on me.
Got a Nvidia GT220 as a sub in the mean time, not a bad compromise.
Two days later, got a new card, fixed it in and everything was perfect.
Finally I got good frame rates to snipe in MW2. PWNed!
The musical was held for 3 nights at USM's Dewan Budaya.
I went for the Sunday night show.
Awesome play I'm telling you! Thumbs up!
Here are some shots I took. More at my Facebook profile.
Thats about it I guess.
Currently working on some artwork.
A new concept I got from listening to this one song
Will be up...soon...I hope. HAHA
["Semper Fi"]
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