Friday, September 18, 2009


Story Of My Life
18th September 2009

I know my birthday is like so 10 days ago
and now only I'm giving an update on it.
Trails lah..apa mau buat!? .____.

12.01 am, Josh wished me through sms. FIRST! :D
12.13 am, Zoe called up to wish. Thanks :)

6.00 am, I received two red packets from my parents.
YAY! I'm rich....again! XD

8.20 am...School gave me two presents.
Biology paper 2 and English Paper 2.
*sigh* Why lah T.T

Came back home at 2.40 pm and I got like
tonnes of notifications on Facebook. W00ts!
Wishes through SMS from Jeff and Zara too.
Thanks loads people. :D

And one of the wishes....
Just have to remind me about the next day.
Add Maths Paper 2 -_____-"

At night 8.58 pm, was busy revising Add Maths.
Then I received a message from Alan, asking for my address.
Why? He wanted it for the Youth Hour directory.
Brain was so full of add maths that I just type and sent it.

Half an hour later....I got a visitor :O
It's 9.30 pm, who lah want to see me at this time?
And I am very surprised to see Alan standing in front of me.
In his hands was a bag of Baskin Robbins and two balloons. :D

I was like "Oh! No wonder he asked for my address"
"For Youth Hour directory" I feel like a fool suddenly LOL!
W00ts! Truckloads of thanks Alan! You made my day!

Then the following day....
I was talking to Jeff on MSN...
Out of the blue...Jeff said he's giving me his extra copy of Half Life 2.
*Jaws on the floor* I was like... "For real!?"

The when Mum came back home from work...
She passed me a letter. I see my name and address on it.
Tear it open immediately...WOOTS!

Heh! Extra money to spend :D

Well, thats about it.
Thanks everyone, for making my 17th Birthday a memorable one.
God bless.

["Going Under"]

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