Saturday, March 15, 2008

Story Of My Life
27 Jan '08
["Flash back"]

Sitting down..lay low and looking out the window...
Wanted to msg Hsien for a chat but I'm very very low on credit..haiz
No sms-ing..Grounded from playing the sucks..
Wat to do..draw la..

Pick up the pencil and juz before I start..My brain jammed!!
WTH to draw??
for almost 30 mins..I'm Stuck
no idea popped outta my head. =.="
Oya...St. Valentines Day is about 2 weeks away..why don't I come out with something related to that.
And that is when I came out with this idea. (Pic Above)
Not a bad idea after all... XD
after a 25 minutes work..its done.. =)

Although it makes a good gift..
I got no one to give it to.. *sigh* =/
so it ended up with my file of my artwork.. sad sad
hopefully next year there wont be any artwork like this ending up in my file of my artwork.

["Roses Are Black..They Were Never Red"]

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