Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sense Of Achievement

Story Of My Life
17 May 2009

Exam is here! @#$#@#%$^#&^!
3 papers down so far...17 more to go -_-"

17 papers of 10 different subjects in 10 days....

To make it look not so stressful...
I will come back everyday after exam
and draw a line across the papers I have sat for.

Trust me...when you do that..
It gives you that huge sense of achievement
and you are so looking forward for tomorrow's papers. XP

So far I've sat for moral and Sejarah.
Moral can A2 is possible.
Sejarah on the other hand...I screwed up. -_-"
How bad I screwed up is another thing.
Well, just wait for the results la...

Glad that Sejarah is over...
Next up, Mr. David's killer add maths paper on Wednesday.
Yeah he told us not to even bother trying to do certain questions in his paper.
I guess I'm just gonna write my name, flip through the paper and then sleep.

Won't be updating anytime soon until exam is over.
Till 27 May that is.... *sigh*
Short updates maybe LOL


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